Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Jewelry Making Supplies

Hey Hermosa Girls!

So I decided to take some pictures of my bead box so that you guys could see what I use to create my jewelry!

This little box right here is where all my earrings are made from.

It's double sided, which is so convenient; all I have to do is flip it over to get my metal findings or metal beads! And I got it at on sale at Jo-Ann Fabrics for only 4 bucks! Such a great deal. And yes, it IS really small! Since I just started, I don't have much inventory or beads at all. I can't wait until I outgrow this box and need to get a bigger one because I just really love collecting beads.

Here's the bead side of it:

 I have a bunch of stuff in here. Lots of Swarovski Crystals and pearls
mainly. But on the bottom right compartment, I have some gorgeous
pear-shaped Swarovski Crystal pendants. They are so beautiful and I
cannot wait to use them! I plan on using them for a pair of earrings I'm
making, but I'm still missing some key components. I plan on using the
pear pendants with the small tan round crystals in the bottom center
compartment. Ok, well I won't say too much, I'll keep you guys guessing!

And here is the other side of the box:

This part contains most of my metal findings in addition to some metal
beads I have, like the antique gold bows. As you can see, I have a bunch
of antique copper bracelet clasps, but I haven't made any bracelets yet!
I bought them with a set of other antique copper findings that I needed at 
the time so that's why I have them. But they are tempting me, and I might
try to incorporate them into a necklace or maybe a new bracelet.

My little bead box all stored away.

Ok, so I don't know about you, but I just love the beads themselves! Yeah, they make great jewelry but they're so much fun to just look at sometimes. Haha.

Well, now you know a bit more behind my jewelry making process~

<3 Carolyn


  1. Just wait until you have six or seven of those little nifty containers. Believe me, it'll happen sooner than you think!

  2. I always loved looking at those bead boxes as well, I just haven't spent the money to get some for myself.. I have a tendency to go overboard easily and end up broke before the weekend is over on craft supplies lol
    Thanks for sharing your beads!

  3. twistedknit- I know where your coming from! For me, buying beads is an expensive addiction!! Haha, hopefully as I develop as a business it will all be worth it... Lol.
