This was my first time ever doing any kind of public showing of my designs, so it was super exciting and new to me! It was really an amazing experience because I was able to get the public's honest feedback on my jewelry. And it was also really encouraging to just see how people instantly reacted to it. For example, even before we had the table completely set up, customers were just gravitating to the table, touching and admiring pieces. In addition to that, it was cool to see that other people shared the same taste in Swarovski that I do, and that they genuinely liked my work! :) After all... it really is one thing to sell online, but it's totally another deal to sell in person to strangers or people who you don't know!
Overall, people were very polite, flattering, and encouraging to me and my booth. Many also thought that I was an established business that had its own store front here in Chicago, IL, and I took that as a compliment.
My display itself wasn't too shabby, as I had put some effort and planning into it beforehand. I have actually been preparing for quite some time for this event! In fact, here are some photos of my display: